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Married to the Sea

>What a great ambassador for Sydney this enthusiastic woman is. Right down to her motivational-slogan-by-Nike singlet. Can you imagine if Oprah had gone to Melbourne instead? She’d have been lucky if a scarf-wearing hipster had even bothered to put down their McSweeney’s and peer out of their trendy laneway cafe to cop a squiz.

Thanks Niction for the heads up!




Thanks @benjaxTwits!

By carny87 at DeviantArt


Enjoy your day off while us hardworking Aussies slave away at Fosters factories/croc farms.



Best of the Interwebs





You said it lady.

Liza Minelli.


Buzzfeed, previously.

>Redditor adamtots says “This is what I do when I get bored.

Screw you and your nonchalant talent adamtots!!! Are you too good to spend your downtime googling “llama is friends with kittehz” like the rest of us???